Saturday, September 10, 2016

Our First Week

Welcome Class of 2025!
It's a new school year, and we have spent a lot of time this first week of school learning routines, procedures, and getting to know each other. We will be a classroom family for the next 9 months, and I want our classroom to feel safe and comfortable for all.

I love this quote I have hanging outside my classroom door, along with everyone's names on crayons.
 Like crayons, we all need to learn to live together in our "box" classroom, so that's a lot of what the first week of school has focused on...(and procedures, lots and lots of procedures!)

Some of the activities we have done involved partners asking each other a variety of questions to get to know each other better. We've learned about our families, pets, sports, hobbies, and favorite books. Each student is sharing their Me-Bag, which has 3 things that represent something about them. They explain each item and invite questions and comments when they are finished. I love getting to know more about my students!

One of the favorite activities was the Cup Challenge, where groups of 4-5 students had to move 6 solo cups from this-
to this...without touching the cups with their hands. 
Teams were given a rubber band with strings attached. They had to communicate with each other and make a plan in order to be successful. It was definitely challenging for some groups, but overall they did well and had fun with it!

We've also started some initial assessments in spelling and math, as well as begun to build stamina for Read to Self. We got up to 7 minutes of sustained reading in our first two days of practice, and that will continue to go up as we keep working on it.

If you have not returned the beginning of year paperwork, please do so as soon as possible. I'd love to be able to include everyone's photos on our website!

Also, if you have not yet signed up for Bloomz, which is a text and web-based communication app, you can download it for free on the app store, or go to Our class code is W9UK4A.

Looking forward to a great year of learning!

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